Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Reluctant Blogger

I'm blogging, and no one is more surprised about it than I am! After years (no really, years) of getting blog invitations from friends and family to read their blogs, being frustrated with trying to keep up with everyone, and growing to dislike the word "blog", I have finally started my own. Why? Well, for a couple of reasons. The first one is this: without my own blog site to remind me of the people whose blogs I want to read, frankly, I never read them. Apparently, some people take offense when I don't follow their blogs, because they think it means I don't care about them. Actually, it just means I'm lazy. =)

Lately, people have been expecting me to have read their blogs. I feel like I'm behind in conversations because I haven't read blogs. My social life is suffering because I have to be caught up verbally in the midst of discussions. It's like going to class without having read the assigned chapters. Fail.

Also, since moving away from my family and friends in Utah, I've discovered that some of them actually want to know what I'm doing and thinking from time to time. Go figure. I was sending a weekly email to them for a while. Then it became monthly. Now I don't remember the last time I sent one. Two weeks ago, I got an email that said, "I thought maybe you were dead. Hadn't heard from you in so long." That's the complete email. You know you're not communicating well when people think you have crossed over. I'm hoping having a blog will encourage me to write things down and send them to said people. Even if it only helps for just a month or two.

So, friends and neighbors, that's the long and short of it. I finally have a blog. If you want me to follow yours, now is the time to invite me. If you are like I used to be, and you never want to hear the word "blog" again, it's okay, I understand!


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! (There's another word you can detest.) For a newbie, your site already looks great.

    I like blogging because of its randomness. People post all kinds of thoughts that I don't think would come up in typical conversations. Initially, mine was so my family would know what I'm up to, but has since developed into something much stranger....

    And, yes, you may want to skip to "How to Raise Milk Goats Successfully." It's a real page-turner!

  2. Welcome! It'll be fun to see what your up to. Now, you can Blog-Stalk and not just FB-Stalk! Fun, huh!!!???!!!

  3. welcome, welcome my dear! now you officially have my blog address... but don't worry, i won't hold it against you for not reading:) and similar to adam, i started my blog while i was abroad in haiti, so that my fam could get an idea of my survival status. but then, it became, well, fun! and since it's all yours- anything and everything goes. woot!

  4. Welcome to the Blogging world! Now I can keep track of where you have been hiding all these YEARS!

  5. Thanks to all of you!

    Adam, I'll have to decide whether or not to cross that goat bridge when I get to it... Don't you dare move it up in the queue!

    Jessica, I'm excited to add "Blog-Stalk"-ing to my list of talents.

    Sarah, I'm excited to read your blog, because I know it will be entertaining!

    Tasha, I have not been hiding for years! Just months. :0p
