Sunday, January 21, 2007

You're Getting What?!

(Originally posted on Myspace 1/21/2007)

So I had a funny day teaching my madrigal choir the other day... I was trying to get them to sit quietly long enough to explain why we sing the music we do, so I said, "Guys! I need to talk to you about something important for a minute, so please be quiet!"

Only some of them quieted down enough to hear one of the tenors (Tyler) say, "What? Are you getting married?"

I laughed and said, "No, I'm not getting married!" And someone else says, "What!? Your getting married?" And I say, "No! I'm not getting married!"

And a sophomore says, "If you got married, would you quit?"

And a soprano (who finally started listening) says, "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!?"

"NO! I'M NOT GETTING MARRIED! Gosh, that's the last thing I need going around town!" You see, we live in a very small town, and rumors spread like wildfire.

And then the soprano says, "Oh... Are you dating someone?"

"No! What the heck? I just want to talk to you guys about the music!"

Who taught these kids how to listen? Anyway, I thought it was pretty funny. The only time they pay attention is when I make a total fool of myself. I've turned my hand into a puppet and told them that since it's the only one that listens, whenever I talk to it, they'll know they've driven me to insanity! It actually works... in high school! Weird... I just try to remember that I was where they are just five years ago... Even if this was never the answer to the "Where do you see yourself in five years?" question...